Sunday Activities
Adult Bible Classes 9:45am
We provide in-depth Bible teaching which seeks to equip adults with understanding and the ability to apply God's truth to their lives through different Adult Bible Fellowships.
True Direction- Meets in the Old Sanctuary
Spanish Bible Study- Meets upstairs in Clinton Hall
Crosswalk- (college age and singles) Meets upstairs in the gym
Women of Wisdom- (women) Meets in the Apple Room
Men's Fellowship
Each month, we host a men's fellowship which provides men the opportunity to fellowship with other men and be challenged to become a man after God's own heart.
Senior Citizens
Senior Lunch 11:00am (first Monday of the month)
On the first Monday of each month, we host a senior citizens lunch which provides delicious food, great fellowship with other seniors and a message from God's Word.
Senior Fun and Fitness Class 10:00am (Mon, Wed, Fri)
Join other seniors on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:00am to stay fit and flexible by doing low-impact exercise in our gym.
Discipleship and Counseling
It is one of our passions to minister the Word on a personal level to those who are new believers and those who find themselves at a point in life where they need spiritual help and guidance. Calvary provides opportunities for one-on-one discipleship in the basics of a relationship with Christ and spiritual growth. We also have both men and ladies who are available to provide biblical, practical help in Christian counseling for life’s most challenging situations.